Welcome To My Professional Portfolio

category Collaboration and Community Engagement

Practise effective communication appropriate to the context and audience, enabling responsiveness to diversities of learners

New forms of Accessing learning!

Why do we need to require to have a face-to-face class experience? I think there are several positive outcomes to having a face to face learning experience. It keeps accountability on the students to have a teacher in the room… Continue Reading →

Nike Run App

I have decided to return back to the Nike Run App after much debate with my trial attempt with Strava . I enjoy the interface of the Nike App more and it seems to work better when I stop at… Continue Reading →


Learning how to play minecraft was a lot of fun in EDCI336. It was a unique experience having middle school aged children facilitate the lesson and provide guidance during the tutorial and free play time. It was quite bizarre but… Continue Reading →

EdCamp at UVic

Experiencing a mini EdCamp tutorial was a great opportunity to learn about a different model of learning design. Everyone was given a sticky note to write about a topic they are knowledgeable in and would like to discuss in more… Continue Reading →

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