Welcome To My Professional Portfolio

category Personal and Professional Preparation

New forms of Accessing learning!

Why do we need to require to have a face-to-face class experience? I think there are several positive outcomes to having a face to face learning experience. It keeps accountability on the students to have a teacher in the room… Continue Reading →

Nike Run App

I have decided to return back to the Nike Run App after much debate with my trial attempt with Strava . I enjoy the interface of the Nike App more and it seems to work better when I stop at… Continue Reading →


Learning how to play minecraft was a lot of fun in EDCI336. It was a unique experience having middle school aged children facilitate the lesson and provide guidance during the tutorial and free play time. It was quite bizarre but… Continue Reading →

EdCamp at UVic

Experiencing a mini EdCamp tutorial was a great opportunity to learn about a different model of learning design. Everyone was given a sticky note to write about a topic they are knowledgeable in and would like to discuss in more… Continue Reading →

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